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Mainly for small construction companies and large scale residential development projects. When a client or owner is directly developing a project and is unable to be on site full time, there are several tasks that need to be completed and services needed to successfully complete the project with minimal stress and waste of funds.  

Construction Engineer

Personal Coaching & Resume Development

Are you looking to change careers and not sure where to start or what to do? This consultancy will help point you in the right direction. Included in this package is a 60-minute discussion on any career choice or sector you are looking to get into. It includes a review and revisions of your current resume and tips to revise and update your resume for maximum success with employers. We will work to adequately prepare you for your new career choice or change.


Design & Construction Career Coaching

The construction sector in the United States is at a major inflection point. Several experienced professionals are retiring and new professionals cannot keep up to satisfy the needs of the sector. The sector is at the same time becoming more diverse with new technologies and sub-industries for example, BIM. Now and in the future, this is going to be one of the Country’s most in-demand employment sectors. There are thousands of job openings in the design and construction sectors. Looking to make a switch and cash in on the opportunity? This consultancy will discuss opportunities in both design and construction and what path is best for you to get to a new job that you will love and reward you with a good compensation package.


Small Business Construction Coaching

Are you a small or medium-sized construction business and need to either expand your services or streamline existing services and figure out how to make your business more efficient and make more money and keep good employees? This consultancy is ideal for us to discuss your specific business and challenges and the various means and methods to get your business to minimize loss and maximize efficiency and therefore profits and leave more money in your pocket.



All sessions above are singular introductory consultancy sessions to discuss and cover at a minimum the items listed above and more. Depending on your specific needs, further consultancy sessions may be required and will be discussed at an additional cost.

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